By Conner Glover
La Cueva High School students Jayden Yardman and Amelia Lutz had their work chosen by the arts commissions of both Albuquerque and Bernalillo County to be displayed in public buildings.
La Cueva sophomore Jayden Yardman’s work was presented at the Metro Art Show and purchased by the City of Albuquerque Arts Commission for $200. Yardman’s painting, an acrylic gel medium transfer, presents a woman surrounded by flowers with an old European-styled town in the background. Yardman claims to have no particular artistic style: “No, sometimes you just throw colors on the paper and pray that it works.”
Amelia Lutz, a senior, also had her work presented at the Metro Art Show, where it was chosen by the Bernalilo County arts commision to be displayed. Lutz’s art was influenced by her interest in the violin, which she has been playing for 11 years. The work presents many photos of a violin that was configured into a jigsaw and then painted. Lutz wants to do art as a career: “Yes, I really like art, I really enjoy it… I wan’t to do graphic design which incorporates art into more of a marketing standpoint.”
“Both are really dedicated, both are really on task, and they take all assignments and turn them into their own stories,” LCHS art teacher Carrie McCoy said.
The two pieces created by these students will be professionally framed and soon displayed in city and county buildings.